
My name is Andy. Welcome to my blog about the things in my life that have brought me joy. Those things might include books, movies, music, food, or perhaps something that struck my funny bone just right. There’s so much in the world to be delighted by, and it seems a shame to me to not make note of those things.

Marmalade Falls is the town I grew up in, and the one I’ve returned to in order to live with—and help out—my recently widowed mother. (RIP Gerald Mittens)

They say things move just a little bit slower in Marmalade Falls. In all likelihood, this is at least in part due to our ranking as, “the most obese small town in America.” But I like to think that it’s because we remember to take the time to appreciate the little things around us. That’s what I intend to do with this site. Welcome!

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